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Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary (3rd edition)

by Brian Moon
Student book Year 11+

The new Third Edition of this successful reference work has been fully revised and expanded. Over 80 new terms have been added to keep pace with changing curricula, including aesthetics, ecocriticism, rhetoric, satire, voice and many more. Existing entries have been revised, and activities improved. Major entries on the novel, poetry and drama have also been added, making the book a more comprehensive and versatile reference for individual students or for classroom use. The new edition takes account of developments in literary theory and practice over the past decade to offer a perspective that remains both critical and contemporary.

Literary Terms is intended for use as a supplement to courses in English and Literature. Unlike other glossaries, it includes brief activities which help students develop a working knowledge of the concepts. Definitions and activities in the text are designed so that they can be used independently by students, at individual points of need. However, the glossary can also be integrated into classroom study without the need for additional preparation.

Each entry is structured as a mini-lesson which is organised in four parts:

  • To get you thinking: a stimulating puzzle or problem which brings the concept into focus;
  • Theory: a brief theoretical explanation and discussion of the concept;
  • Practice: an activity which calls for practical application of the concept in textual analysis;
  • Summary: a final summary which can serve as a working definition of the concept.

A wide range of classic and contemporary texts is referred to, including High Noon, Heart of Darkness, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the comedy of Jerry Seinfeld. All are used to explicate concepts either through the provision of a telling example or as an inventive and accessible activity.

Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary, like Studying Literature, draws on recent developments in literary theory and places special emphasis on the role of reading practices in the production of literary meanings. As well as introducing new terminology relevant to this emphasis, the glossary reviews many traditional terms, such as 'style' and 'theme' in the context of contemporary approaches to the study of literature.

RRP $42.95
245x170mm 264pp ISBN 9781 875 1363 84

A Chalkface Press original


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  • NZATE, New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English
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  • NCTE, National Council of Teachers of English
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