Chalkface Press     Specialists in Subject English    


Our authors

Prof. Wayne Martino
Wayne Martino currently lectures at the University of Western Ontario, and previously taught at The Australian Institute of Education at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. He taught English in secondary schools for several years before completing his PhD, in which he explored links between masculinities and learning. He has also explored the role that particular versions of masculinity play in boys' engagement in specific literacy practices. Wayne's work has been published in Gender and Education and the British Journal of the Sociology of Education in the UK, and in English in Australia. His book for secondary school English students, Gendered Fictions, was published by Chalkface Press (now out of print). He has collaborated with Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli on Schooling Masculinities and with Bob Meyenn on 'What about the Boys?': Issues of Masculinity and Schooling, both published by the Open University Press.

Dr Bronwyn Mellor
Bronwyn Mellor holds a Doctorate in Education and English from the University of Western Australia. She is the Publisher and Editorial Director of Chalkface Press, which she co-founded in 1987 on returning to Australia from Britain. She taught English in secondary schools in England and worked as a contributory writer and advisory teacher at the English and Media Centre in London. She also has taught in secondary schools in Australia and lectured in university courses in Curriculum and English Studies. Bronwyn's influential publications include Reading Hamlet, Reading Stories, Reading Fictions (with Annette Patterson and Marnie O'Neill), Investigating Texts, and Writing Critical Essays (with Brian Moon). Bronwyn was honoured for her contributions to education, receiving the prestigious Australia Medal in the 2000 Australian Honours List.

Assoc. Prof. Brian Moon
Brian Moon has worked as a secondary school teacher and university lecturer in the areas of English, literature and media studies. He was a curriculum instructor at Edith Cowan University for almost 30 years, before retiring in 2022. He remains an Honorary Associate Professor of Education. Brian served as state examiner of English for the Secondary Education Authority of WA, and he is the author of numerous books and papers, including the successful Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary. Brian's most recent titles include the two-volume Writing Projects, released in 2011, and Introducing Literature in 2016. His personal website is at (external site).

Dr Marnie O'Neill
Marnie O'Neill is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia in the areas of English education, language literacy and learning, and teaching and learning. Her research interests include English curriculum studies; curriculum policy and practice; language in education; teaching and learning; classroom studies; gender studies; and gifted and talented education. Marnie has also been a secondary school English teacher, an advisory teacher in English, chief examiner in English and Literature, and was for some years the editor of the journal of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, English in Australia. The writer of numerous papers, articles and books, Marnie O'Neill has co-written texts for secondary students published by Chalkface Press.

Emeritus Prof. Annette Patterson
Annette Patterson was Professor of Education and Head of School at Queensland University of Technology, and previously taught sociology and English in the School of Education at James Cook University in Queensland. She taught English and literature in high schools from 1976-1989 and was a key member of the Chalkface Press writing team, producing texts for secondary English students. Annette made significant research contributions in the areas of critical reading practices and histories of English education. Annette Patterson passed away suddenly in 2015.

Mr John Richmond
John Richmond was born in Portsmouth, England in 1951. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge before becoming an English teacher in London. He later became an adviser of teachers, and later still worked in educational broadcasting as commissioning editor for Channel 4 and Teachers TV in the UK and Teaching Channel in the USA. John has published books and articles on English teaching and the role of language in education.

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