Chalkface Press     Specialists in Subject English    


Current titles

Our current titles. Select a cover image for more information.

Introducing Literature
Yr 10+. A new, comprehensive guide to literary studies, leading students from first principles to advanced and theorised approaches to literature. By Brian Moon.    Learn more...


Poetry by John Richmond
New from Chalkface Press. Poetry by UK-based writer and educator John Richmond. My Proper Life: Poems 1975–2017 and Bring Me the Sunflower: Translations and Imitations.    Learn more...

Changing Stories
Yr 7+. A lively exploration of folk and fairytales and what happens to their meanings when familiar details change. By Bronwyn Mellor, Judith Hemming, Jane Leggett.    Learn more...


Viewing Terms: A Film and TV Glossary
Yr 10+. A comprehensive glossary of terms and concepts, presented through clear explanations and practical mini lessons in film grammar and image analysis. Ideal for English or Media. By Brian Moon.    Learn more...

Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary
Yr 11+. An instructional glossary of modern literary terms that offers explanations of theory and mini lessons that teach complex concepts in practical ways. By Brian Moon.    Learn more...


Writing Critical Essays
Yr 10+. A comprehensive guide to the how and why writing criticial essays, covering essays structure and style and the eight essential topics, including essays on character, point of view, themes, and issues. By Bronwyn Mellor and Brian Moon.    Learn more...

Making Stories
Yr 7+. An engaging and practical exploration of story construction that will have your students making and sharing stories. By Bronwyn Mellor and Mike Raleigh.   Learn more...


Writing Projects 1 and 2
Yr 10+. A detailed instructional guide to writing descriptions, essays, speeches, stories and more -- based on the methods of classical rhetoric that have trained writers for generations. By Brian Moon.    Learn more...


See individual book pages for more detailed information about each title, including suggestions for use, suppliers, and availability. Find out about the individual authors at the Chalkface authors page.

Current titles

These great titles are currently out of print but still available in libraries, school collections and some bookstores.

Animal Farm Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. This is an excellent guide to reading George Orwell's classic allegory in its historical context.


Reading Stories
A Chalkface Original. A groundbreaking but practical approach to the study of stories based on poststructural theory. By Bronwyn Mellor, Annette Patterson, Marnie O'Neill.

Brother in the Land Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. A comprehensive guide to the study of Robert Swindell's moving post-apocalypse novel. By Guy Dickens.


Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. A practical and engaging guide to the study of this enduring Shakespearean classic.

Gendered Fictions
A Chalkface Original. An insightful and practical approach to the study of gender representations and gender readings practices, with nine short stories, a nursery rhyme, two articles and an essay. By Wayne Martino with Bronwyn Mellor.


Making Media
From the UK English Centre. Detailed case studies of practical projects on soap operas, sitcoms, rap video, music magazines, and photo-stories. By David Buckingham, Jenny Grahame and Julian Sefton-Green.

Gulliver's Travels Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. An abridged version of the classic text, with commentary, annotations and guides to studying the book and film versions. Edited by Sabrina Broadbent.


Comics and Magazines
From the UK English Centre. A lively and insightful approach to the study of these often underrated genres. By Judith Hemming and Jane Leggett.

Macbeth Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. A Practical and engaging guide to the study of one of Shakespeare's most effective Tragedies.

Investigating Texts
Yr 8+. An intriguing exploration of textuality and reading that asks how texts work and how readers make sense of them. By Bronwyn Mellor and Annette Patterson.  


Reading Fictions
Yr 10+. An anthology of engaging stories, with activities that test our assumptions and expose how texts and reading practices shape meaning. By Bronwyn Mellor, Annette Patterson, Marnie O'Neill.   

Studying Poetry
Yr 10+. A practical guide to reading and writing about poetry, exploring texts, reading practices, and a range of literary theories. By Brian Moon.    Learn more...

Reading Hamlet
A Chalkface Original. A detailed, insightful and engaging guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest works, applying historical and theoretical techniques. By Bronwyn Mellor.


Z for Zachariah Study Guide
From the UK English Centre. An invaluable guide to the study of Robert O'Brien's powerful post-apocalypse novel.

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