Chalkface Press     Specialists in Subject English   


New titles

Introducing Literature: A Practical Guide to Literary Analysis, Criticism and Theory.
by Brian Moon

imageIntroducing Literature is a comprehensive introduction to the formal study of literature, for senior secondary school and college level students. Eight detailed chapters address key topics in literary analysis and criticism: why we study literature; making literary judgements; understanding the roles of reader, writer, text, and context; responding to and analysing texts; creative response; theory and ideology. Also included are vital resources for building literary knowledge, including major literary sources to know, critical theories, and a timeline of English literature. (RRP $49.95)  More

Writing Projects: Practical Lessons Based on Classical Methods
imageby Brian Moon

Writing Projects is a two-volume course in writing that introduces students to the basics of form and style through a series of detailed project tasks. The books teach the core curriculum genres of description, story writing, review, essay, and formal speech. They provide models,demonstrations, guided writing and skill-building exercises. The two volumes offer teachers a radical new approach to teaching writing, based on research into classical literary methods. Suitable for individual or classroom use, or as a writing reference. (RRP $24.95) More

See the individual catalogue pages for full details of each of our exciting titles.

Catalogue highlights

Original titles by Chalkface authors

Literary Terms: A Practical Glossary  NEW
A revised edition of this invaluable reference, with more than 80 new terms, theory explanations and practical activities, from allusion to poststructuralism.

Writing Critical Essays
A comprehensive guide to writing essays about literature.
(Download the free Quickstart Files for this book.)

Viewing Terms
Three hundred terms for film and tv study, with image examples, theory explanations and activities, by Brian Moon.

See the full list of titles here.

New from Chalkface Press - Poetry by John Richmond.
Announcing two new volumes from UK-based poet and educator John Richmond: My Proper Life: Poems 1975–2017 and Bring Me the Sunflower: Translations and Imitations.

Full details and ordering information here.

Order through Campion Education, English Teachers Associations, University bookstores, or your local Education supplier.

Chalkface Press P/L is an independent publisher based in Perth, Western Australia, specialising in Subject English. Chalkface titles are distributed through Campion Education Australia Pty Ltd, the US National Council of Teachers of English, education bookstores, and English teaching associations across Australia. Established in 1987, Chalkface has been producing innovative and practical teaching resources for almost 25 years. For full details of distributors see suppliers, or go to the orders page.


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